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Both sexes: Grey head and rump, chestnut-brown back, and yellow-brown speckled breast.

The Fieldfare is a large thrush - just a little smaller than the Mistle Thrush - with very bold plumage. They are winter visitors from Scandinavia.

Adult male and female Fieldfares are similar in appearance, except that the female is generally duller and browner.

The male has blue-grey crown, nape, and rump; chestnut brown back; black tail; and a buff breast with black streaks that also extends to the flanks. The underwing, especially the "armpit", is white, and it is this and the pale grey rump that are most noticeable when in flight.

Fieldfare & Mistle Thrush Underwing Redwing Underwing Song Thrush Underwing
Comparison of Underwing Colours

The juveniles lack the grey head and are duller.


Scientific Name Turdus pilaris
Length 25 cm  (10")
Wing Span 39-42 cm  (16-17")
Weight 80-120 g  (2¾-4¼oz)
Breeding Pairs < 10
Present Winter
Status Red

Distribution map - when and where you are most likely to see the species.


The song of the Fieldfare is a medley of whistles and "chacks".

We are more likely to hear the "chack" calls as they fly over during the winter.


© Jean Roché,

© Jean Roché,


The Fieldfare feeds on worms, snails and insects but also fruit.

In the winter they will feed on windfall fruit for long periods and are often accompanied by Redwings.


The nest is cup-shaped and made from grass, moss and twigs, and lined with mud. There are very few Fieldfares breeding in Britain.

The eggs of the Fieldfare are about 29 mm by 21 mm in size, and are smooth, glossy, and pale blue with reddish speckles. The duties of incubating the eggs are performed by the female. The newly-hatched young are fed by both adults.

Breeding Starts Clutches Eggs Incubation (days) Fledge (days)
April-June 1-2 3-8 11-14 12-16


The Scandinavian Fieldfares usually arrive in Britain in October and early November and stay here until the Spring (March-May), during which time there can be up to 750 000 birds.


The Fieldfare is specially protected as it is such a rare breeding bird in Britain. In the 1990s it looked as if the westward expansion of breeding Fieldfares may reach Britain, but this no longer seems likely.