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British Garden Birds is dedicated to helping garden birdwatchers to identify and enjoy the birds that visit their gardens, and to understand the birds' lives and behaviour.

This Month...

Finches and thrushes, like Goldfinches and Song Thrushes, will start to struggle for food this month; this is because the dwindling supplies of berries have yet to be replaced by the new growth of spring. The first Chiffchaffs and Sand Martins will be arriving from the Mediterranean and Africa, as will Ring Ouzels and Ospreys.

Did you know...

Summer-visiting Chiffchaffs arrive before the Willow Warblers, a species with which they may be confused. However, remember "C before W", and also that Chiffchaffs have shorter wings, because they migrate shorter distances, have shorter eyebrow stripes and also a shorter name!

Things to do...

British Science Week celebrates science, engineering and technology and has thousands of events across the country for people of all ages.Find out more. 


Blue Tits in my Nest Box Blue Tits in my Nest Box follows the day-to-day nesting activities of a family of adorable Blue Tits in a nest box.

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