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If you purchase goods and services from the reputable organisations below, at no extra cost to yourself, a commission will be paid to the web site (provided you use the links below).

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Low prices on digital cameras, MP3, LCD TVs, books, music, DVDs, video games, software, home & garden and much more.

Blue Tits In My Nest Box

Blue Tits in my Nest Box Blue Tits in my Nest Box is written by the Webmaster of British Garden Birds and follows the day-to-day nesting activities of a family of adorable Blue Tits in a nest box that was fitted with a CCTV camera.

Garden Bird

Garden Bird
Garden Bird supplies high quality wild bird food, feeders and accessories right to your doorstep.

Garden Wildlife Direct

Garden Wildlife Direct
Garden Wildlife Direct offer a comprehensive selection of foods and feeders for wildlife in your garden at a great price.